TRIP REPORT - Hyak Mountain Dawn Patrol - 2/1/18

We never saw dawn, it just became light out at some point...

A last minute plan led to Robby, Zach, Lars (dog), and I heading out of Seattle at 6 am for a dawn patrol.  They close the East side of the Hyak resort during the week, which means it's a great place to get some easy turns in.

I was impressed - there were at least 4 cars up there when we arrived, which meant we didn't get fresh tracks on the few inches of powder that had fallen overnight, but we also didn't have to break trail.  

One lap is around 1,000' and a little bit over a mile.


It's not a trip report unless there's a Caltopo map.  But this one is small cause I can't imagine it's helpful


It's pretty low-angle terrain, which makes it perfect in moderate avy conditions after a few inches of snow.  We got in 2 laps before heading back down to work.

It was lightly snowing while we were up there, but it warmed up shortly after we left, and looks like it'll be raining on the Pass all weekend.  Glad we got in a few turns before the rain set in!

Lars bravely breaking trail

Lars bravely breaking trail

Robby shredding the low light


TRIP REPORT - West Granite Mountain (and attempted traverse) - 2/12/18


TRIP REPORT - Hex Mountain - 1/29/18